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Below is a sample Cover Letter. Take a look at the sort of information that gets included, then select the Back button to start writing your own.


Danielle Klein
12 Mountain Lane
Anytown, New York 12345
(123) 555-1234

May 2, 2011

Ms. Beth Peterson
Personnel Director
HireCorp Industries
625 W. 58th Avenue
Big City, New York 54321

Dear Ms. Peterson:

I am writing this letter as my intent to apply for the position of shipping clerk that was listed on the Big City Gazette Help Wanted website on April 30, 2011.

As you review the attached resume, I am confident that you will find my related experience and training match what you are looking for at your company. My most recent experiences include storing and loading stock items, filling customer orders in a timely manner, and maintaining a perfect safety record.

Although I have previous experience related to this position, I am driven to achieve and learn more. I look forward to sharing my skills and willingness to learn with you and your comnpany. Thank you for your time and consideration. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss this position. I may be contacted at (123) 555-1234 to arrange an interview.


Danielle Klein

-- your signature --

Enclosure: resume

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