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[Upbeat music begins…]

[An image appears showing your character with others outside a school.]


Hello and welcome to your STEMventure.  Careers in math and science can take you places, like outer space.  

[An image of a TV drops into the view showing an outer space picture.]

[Sound plays:  woosh.]


Do you want to know what’s out there?  Aerospace engineers do.  

[The image adds two aerospace engineers and a robot.]

[Sound plays:  ding!]


Aerospace engineers:


Aerospace engineers are really in to everything that flies and goes in to space.  They build robots like this one.  And explore other planets.

[The image shows street lights outside the school turning on.]

[Sounds play:  blast, blast, blast.]

[The image shows the robot and your character flying through space and landing on another planet.  The robot moves along and collects samples.]

[Sounds play:  clank, clank, clank, woosh, woosh, woosh.]


Ooh, discoveries!


[An image of a swamp appears with your character.  A frog jumps by.]
[Sounds play:  croak, buzzing.]


Ah, mosquitoes!


[The image shows a mosquito swarm with a close up of a very large mosquito.]

[Sound plays:  evil laughter.]


Clothes that repel insects, duct tape, candy:  chemical engineers make a lot of cool stuff.

[The image adds a chemical engineer performing experiments.]

[Sound plays:  ding!]


Chemical engineers:


[Sound plays:  bubbling.]

[The image shows mosquito swarm is gone and your character is now wearing insect-repellent clothing.]


Ah, that’s better.


[The image shows a kayaker paddling by.]




[The image shows a large eagle which swoops in and grabs your character.]


Whoa!  Hold on!


[The image shows the eagle flying through the mountains and dropping your character in a tree near a bird’s nest.  Baby birds appear in the nest.]

[Sound plays:  birds chirping.]


Hey look!  It’s a wildlife biologist in his natural habitat, outdoors.


[The image adds a wildlife biologist.]

[Sound plays:  ding!]


Wildlife biologists:


Wildlife biologists study animals and protect endangered species.  He’s putting tags on these birds’ legs so he can measure their growth over time.


[The image shows tagged birds flying away and full grown hawks appear.  A tagged hawk is weighed and measured by the wildlife biologist.]

[Sound plays:  boing.]


Looking good!  See you next time.


[The image shows the hawk flying away and your character returning to the school.]


Make discoveries.


[An image of the earth appears with the aerospace engineers.]


Invent new things.


[The image adds the robot and the chemical engineer.]


Protect animals.


[The image adds the wildlife biologist, frog, birds and an eagle.]


You can do any of this, and you can make a lot of money too.


[The image adds multiple money bags.]

[Sound plays:  thud.]


All you have to do is take more math and science classes at school.  Go to CareerZone to learn more.

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