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Click on the Lesson Plan Title for more details.
selectAbout CareerZone Lesson Plans 2.0 - 1
selectAssess Yourself: America's Next Top Job 6 - 9 171, 4, 7, 91
selectAssess Yourself: Brochure Bonanza 9 - 12 1, 21, 10, 96, 946
selectAssess Yourself: Cluster Buster 6 - 8 1, 21, 96, 946
selectAssess Yourself: Coins of Strength 6 - 8 2, 3a74, 61, 2
selectAssess Yourself: Insert Steve Jobs Quote Here 6 - 12 1, 3a1, 2, 61, 2, 3
selectAssess Yourself: Living My Dream 9 - 12 1, 27, 83, 6, 7, 91
selectAssess Yourself: Self Awareness T-shirt 7 - 12 14, 5, 7, 91, 4
selectAssess Yourself: What's My Line 7 - 12 1, 3b, 2, 3a610, 7, 8, 91, 34
selectAssess Yourself: Where Am I Going 6 - 8 1, 3b, 2, 3a1, 56, 8, 94, 56
selectCareer Awareness: A Day in the Life 6 - 8 1, 275, 6, 7, 81, 5
selectCareer Awareness: Characters and Careers 7 - 12 1, 23, 4, 6, 8, 92
selectCareer Awareness: Jobs for Sale 9 - 12 113, 6, 81, 26
selectCareer Awareness: Jobs in Our School 2 - 4 1, 2741, 44
selectCareer Awareness: Let's Tell a Story 9 - 12 72, 3, 4
selectCareer Awareness: My Life in the World of Work 7 - 8 110, 71, 5, 61
selectCareer Awareness: Who Makes the News 5 - 8 177, 8, 91
selectDigital Literacy: Behind the Scenes Advertising 9 - 12 2, 3a781, 5
selectDigital Literacy: Cleaning up you Digital Footprint (Part 2) 11 - 12 77, 82
selectDigital Literacy: Danger! How to Avoid Tricks & Scams 9 - 12 2, 3a1, 73, 7, 82
selectDigital Literacy: Privacy Rivalry 10 - 12 2, 3a4, 774
selectDigital Literacy: Social Media Debate 9 - 12 171, 4, 6
selectDigital Literacy: Text vs. Email Etiquette 9 - 12 2, 3a141
selectDigital Literacy: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 9 - 12 2, 3a1, 97, 81, 5
selectDigital Literacy: Your Digital Footprint 9 - 12 2, 3a76, 8
selectEntrepreneurship: Entrepreneurs of Yesterday and Today 6 - 8 173, 4, 6, 85, 6
selectEntrepreneurship: Famous Entrepreneurs 6 - 10 1791, 5
selectEntrepreneurship: Mind Your Own Business 7 - 10 172, 4, 616
selectEntrepreneurship: Practicing Philanthropy 9 - 12 1, 2, 3a741, 2, 54
selectFinancial Literacy: Checking In 9 - 12 2, 3a74, 83
selectFinancial Literacy: Credit Scores and Losses 9 - 12 76, 724
selectFinancial Literacy: Let's Take a Vacation! 7 - 12 171, 2, 6, 7
selectFinancial Literacy: Life and Taxes 9 - 12 11946
selectFinancial Literacy: Payday Planning 8 - 10 11, 10, 74, 6, 813
selectFinancial Literacy: Pledge to Save 9 - 12 2, 3a761, 4
selectFinancial Literacy: Ratios and Rates 6 - 7 11, 76, 8
selectFinancial Literacy: Tax, Discounts, and Commission 8 - 11, 78
selectFinancial Literacy: The Price is Right- Gas Money 6 - 12 1761
selectJob Search: Dream Resumes 7 - 12 1721, 43
selectJob Search: Help Wanted 6 - 10 1, 2, 3a171, 2, 5
selectJob Search: Job Shadowing 6 - 8 1721, 43
selectJob Search: Mind Map My Resume 9 - 12 1, 244, 61
selectJob Search: My College Readiness Packet 9 - 12 3b, 21082, 4
selectJob Search: My Portable Portfolio 9 - 12 171, 10, 4, 5, 6, 81, 4, 54, 6
selectJob Search: Reference Your References 9 - 12 1, 2, 3a15, 826
selectJob Search: Soft Skills Challenge 9 - 12 1, 2, 3a1, 7764
selectLMI: Bobilator 9 - 12 1, 2, 3a1814
selectLMI: HOT Jobs Near You! 9 - 12 1, 277, 84
selectLMI: The Business Advantage 9 - 12 1, 2710, 91, 4
selectLMI: Whats the Deal with LMI 9 - 12 2, 3a181, 2
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